elBulli in Girona is considered amongst the finest restaurants in the world, chef Ferran Adrià without doubt world class and with this in mind it may or may not surprise you to find two graduates of the aforementioned establishment in the heart of Donosti's Parte Vieja. However, this is the case and a visit to La Cuchara could be one of the highlights of a visit here. A tiny eatery concealed in an alleyway at the San Telmo end of the Calle 31 de Agosto you will have to fight your way to the bar. This place is getting an international reputation, with good reason.
Try ordering the Carrillera and you will not be disappointed, a recipe is available here courtesy of www.bodegarturo.com
Carrilleras: 1 kg. de carrilleras limpias, 2 cebollas,
3 zanahorias, 2 tomates maduros,
hierbas aromáticas (laurel, tomillo, orégano,...),
1 copa de vino blanco seco.
Mollejas: 250 gr. de mollejas, 3 dientes de ajo, 1 guindilla,
50 cc. de aceite de oliva virgen.
Risotto: 2 boletus grandes,
1 puerro, 150 gr. de mantequilla, 50 cc. de nata,
200 gr. de arroz cocido.
Ponemos las carrilleras en una tartera de barro acompañadas
del resto de sus ingredientes. Dejar cocer a fuego lento hasta que estén tiernas (2 h. aprox.). Cuando estén un poco frías se cortan en lonchas de +/- 1 cm. y se reservan. Trituramos la salsa y la pasamos por el chino. Las mollejas se saltean en una sartén con aceite de oliva,
la guindilla y el ajo. Una vez doradas salpimentar. A parte, pochar en la mantequilla el puerro bien picado, añadir los boletus cortados y su jugo. Saltear, añadir el arroz y salar.
Finalmente, presentar la carrillera colocada en forma de abanico, salsear
con su salsa, añadirle las mollejas salteadas y terminar la presentación con
una corona de arroz.
Here is a translation done by a well known search engine...
Jaws: 1 kg of clean jaws, 2 onions,
3 mature carrots, 2 tomatos,
aromatic grass (laurel, thyme, oregano...),
1 glass of dry white wine.
Mollejas: 250 gr.. of mollejas, 3 teeth of garlic, 1 guindilla,
50 cc. of virgin olive oil.
Risotto: 2 boletus great,
1 puerro, 150 gr.. of mantequilla, 50 cc. of cream,
200 gr.. of cooked rice.
We put the jaws in a tartera of mud accompanied
of the rest of its ingredients. To let cook to untimed fire until they are tender (2 h. approx). When they are a little you cold cut in lonchas of +/- 1 cm. and they are reserved. We crushed the sauce and we passed it through the Chinese. Mollejas is skipped in a frying pan with olive oil,
guindilla and garlic. Once gilded to salpimentar. To part, to pochar in mantequilla puerro well mincemeat, to add boletus cut and its juice. To skip, to add the rice and to salar.
Finally, to present/display the jaw placed in fan form, to salsear
with its sauce, to add mollejas skipped and to finish the presentation to him with
a rice crown.
Cala Montjoi S/N
Tel. 972150457
Fax. 972150717
17480 Roses (Girona) www.elbulli.com
La Cuchara de San Telmo
31 de Agosto, 28
San Sebastián-Donostia
+34 943 42 0840
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
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